Thursday, October 18, 2007

After Angie told us to call a family member and tell them how much you love them, I called my Grandma. She was so excited to here from me. She enjoyed hearing all about school, what I was doing, how my friends were and many other small things. It was so nice to hear how grateful she was just for a simple five minute phone call, that I felt bad that I do not call more often. The rest of my family keeps in contact by email, but my grandma does not have an email. She was going to have tea after lunch and it made me smile because that simple little activity made the day great for her. Sometimes its the little things that keeps us happy day to day..never take them for granite!

1 comment:

Casey Lee said...

I think thats great that you called her. Its the random calls that make someone's day a lot better! Enjoying the little things in life.